Response to COVID-19
To our community of customers and friends:
In this time of uncertainty regarding coronavirus (COVID-19), we want you to know that Fisherman's Cove RV Resort is concerned about the health and safety of our valued customers and employees. We want everyone to know that we are taking all the precautions necessary to ensure that all surfaces are sanitized and that the environment you are entering is safe. These measures are updated to coincide with the CDC, the State of Florida, and local guidelines.
Here is what we are doing:
Fisherman's Cove Resort is operating with our normal business hours.
The health of our customers and employees is our number one priority. We take pride in the everyday cleanliness of our clubhouse, fitness center, lodging units, motel rooms, office, marina, and store. We are stepping up by rigorously cleaning counters, bathrooms, and all regular high touch areas throughout the property.
Hand sanitizer or wipes have been placed in the Clubhouse and the Fitness Center.
The Clubhouse, the Office, and the Fitness Center HVAC systems have been upgraded with Ultraviolet Air Purification systems that filter out all dust, mold, bacteria, and viruses.
Fisherman's Cove Resort employees have been encouraged and instructed to practice proper hygiene, including regular hand washing. We are also refraining from shaking hands, but we hope our honest, friendly smiles will be an acceptable substitute for the time being.
We are monitoring new developments and regularly consulting the CDC, Center for Disease Control guidelines.
Restaurants are all open at 100% and bars are open to 50% of their capacity. Theme parks are open with limitations on their capacities.
All businesses encourage or require face masks to enter their facilities and, of course, social distancing.
Social distancing is required at all events, and face masks are encouraged. Clubhouse events will be limited by management. Tables have been spaced 6 feet apart, and most tables will be limited to 4 people. We encourage other activities to follow proper CDC guidelines.
We want to assure you that we will remain diligent in all of our efforts to do our part for the health and safety of our communities while maintaining our commitment to providing you a bit of relief with neighborly service as usual but even more during this challenging time.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions reach out to us in the office.
Fisherman's Cove Management